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About Funky Feet :

Your Treatment Plan

Your Treatments

Treatment Room



Your Treatment Plan:

When you make your first appointment for a treatment we will discuss your health and complete a consultation questionnaire about your general and specific health and well being.

During the first treatment I will work over all the feet and note down any reflex or reflected imbalances that I detect, we will discuss what those imbalances may relate to.

Based upon the findings in the consultation as well as the first treatment we will discuss your personal treatment plan, the regularity of treatments within that plan will also be discussed with regard to finance and time allowance.

During the treatment plan regular re-assessments will be made according to changes that may occur.Your treatment plan will be personal and specific to you and your conditions and health.

Your Treatments :

After your first treatment all subsequent treatments will be specifically planned to enhance your health; most reflex or reflected points will still be worked during the treatment but priority will be given to the ones showing imbalance.

During the treatments you are seated in a reclining chair which is very relaxing in itself! Many will close their eyes and relax during the treatment, some remain alert and speak throughout, some will even fall into deep sleep. It is your treatment and you decide how you would most like to enjoy it.

The treatment ends with some techniques to gently refocus the client and prepare for the day ahead. Most leave the treatment feeling totally relaxed and ready to look forward.

Treatment Room :

I work from my stand alone, garden treatment room at the top of my drive; 'The Cwtch'.  This has been developed and refurbished from a garage into a fully heated, insulated room which is dedicated solely to reflexology. The room has a light, airy, comfortable feel and is private, quiet and relaxing.


I use a specially developed reclining, zero-gravity

treatment couch for clients, this is covered in health care

grade fabric which is innately impregnated with 

anti-fungal/microbial/bacterial and viral properties. It has

been found to be effective at and certified to prevent the spread of many 'nasties' including MRSA and Covid.


The treatment room has it's own WC and hand wash basin.


All association body and government health and safety issues have been considered.


The treatment room has one low step to access the front door.


If a client is unable to come to my treatment room in 'The Cwtch', please discuss this with me, as I will make some mobile visits.

I am fully insured and affiliated with CNCH & AOR whose ethics and policies I follow.



95 Heathwood Road

Cardiff, CF14 4BJ

Tel : 0789 0562467 


Tues   - 11am - 6.00pm

Wed   - 11am - 6.00pm

Fri    -  11am - 6.00pm

Sat    - 11am - 1.30pm


Hope to see you soon at ....


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